Difference between revisions of "Scratchpad"

From Family History Book
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* [https://www.hometalk.com/posts/build/shelves/how-i-doubled-my-kitchen-counter-space-thanks-to-a-2x4-14749165 2x4 shelf]
* [https://www.hometalk.com/posts/build/shelves/how-i-doubled-my-kitchen-counter-space-thanks-to-a-2x4-14749165 2x4 shelf]
* [https://www.canva.com/design/DAFksgwUYUc/xm0xNA7za_56Ul1vpQcf3A/view?utm_content=DAFksgwUYUc&utm_campaign=celebratory_first_publish&utm_medium=link&utm_source=celebratory_first_publish Kat's Sandbox logo]

Revision as of 10:58, 2 June 2023

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  • To include some code in your post, surround the code in single backticks (`) for inline code, or triple backticks for a block of code.
  • You can add an optional language marker to get syntax highlighting for that language. Common markers are py, c, and sh.
# Check for equals.
if a == b:
# Check for equals.
if a == b:

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